Privacy Policy For Website
The information on this page has been assembled to help answer common questions related to the creation of a privacy policy for your website. Plaudit Design does not give legal advice, however the resources below may help clarify questions you may have.
Common Questions
It is a written statement explaining what information is collected by you from and about your website visitors and what you do with that information. For example, many of the websites we create use cookies and Google Analytics. If your site uses Google Analytics, you are collecting information about website visitors and you should disclose this fact to your website visitors. Cookies are often used to make it faster and/or easier for your website visitors to access or use features on your website. Their use should also be disclosed. Because actual practices change as websites or business processes change, your policy should be reviewed against actual practices on a regular basis to ensure that company behavior matches the policy.
Some businesses are required by state, federal, or international law to disclose what information is collected by them, and explain how that information is used and protected by the company. For example the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPPA) imposes restrictions on the disclosure of protected health information. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act provides rules regarding the use of personal information by financial institutions. Websites with users under the age of 18 may be subject to the Children’s Online Privacy Act (COPA). The laws of the European Union prevent the transmittal of certain personal information to the US unless certain protections are in place. There are many more examples and legal counsel familiar with the uniqueness of your business and industry can advise you on the issues you need to consider.
Are there any benefits to having a privacy policy?
Yes. A written policy will help ensure that information is handled in a thoughtful, consistent manner. Knowing what information you collect, and teaching employees how to handle that information, may prevent you or your customers from being the victims of various scams or of identity theft. Some site users expect to see a policy and may view your company unfavorably if you don’t have one. If you have a policy, you may prevent claims that a site user may have regarding the way in which you stored or used their information. The issues of identity theft, and an individual’s right to control their personal information, are creating an environment where regulators encourage the use of a policy. For example, the failure to have a policy may be viewed as an unfair trade practice by some regulators.
How do I create a Privacy Policy?
We have created a worksheet (see next section below) to help you decide what your policy needs to contain. In transferring the information on the worksheet into a policy, your policy should match the tone of your website. Because the information in your policy may create legal rights in site visitors, or be used by governmental authorities to ensure compliance with applicable laws, we strongly recommend that you work with legal counsel in developing the final version of your policy. What we have provided here is only meant to help you get started.
The questions listed below should be addressed when creating your Privacy Policy. Please refer to this sample privacy policy for an example of how these questions may be answered.
What information is being collected?
Remember information may be collected automatically by the site or provided by site visitors. (E.g. information in cookies, IP addresses, pixel tags, browsers, name, address, phone number, email addresses, credit card numbers). The websites we develop frequently use Google Analytics. Google Analytics collects information from and about your site visitor and compiles it with other information to provide metrics on the type of site visitors you receive, how your site is being used, and to track information for advertisers.
What information is being kept?
If you are not keeping visitor information, you may want to disclose that fact. While Google Analytics does not track, collect or upload any information that personally identifies an individual (e.g. name, address, email), you may be collecting and keeping personally identifiable information through another means, such as a newsletter sign up.
Will you place cookies or other code on the visitor’s computer?
Please be aware that most of the websites we develop use cookies to create a better experience for the site visitor.
How do you want to use the information?
Common ways to use information include: understanding a visitor’s likes and dislikes for marketing purposes; sending newsletters and other electronic communications; creating a mailing list to sell to third parties; targeting ads; product or service improvement; and making it easier to buy a product on the next visit by keeping credit card and buyer information on file.
Will you share the information with third parties?
Some companies promise not to share information with third parties. In contrast, some companies make money by selling their visitor’s information to third parties.
E.g. does HIPPA, COPA or Gramm-Leach-Bliley apply to your company?
Are there other points you would like the policy to address?
Some companies include information on how personal information can be updated, or information about security practices. Some companies explain how to sign up for newsletters or promotional opportunities, and how to unsubscribe.